Monday, 28 May 2018

Partizan part 3

First is the Aspern-Essling game from the Old Guard (Simon Walther is listed in the programme); unusual in that it used hexagonal terrain blocks.

The Forest Outlaws had a Leipzig game

The Two Fat Lardies had a game in the participation zone demonstrating the General d'Armee rule set.  The basic unit is still the battalion, but the actions fought are on a larger scale than the General de Brigade rules

The Newark Irregulars have put on a really good show, with good games on show, a varied selection of traders and a good show 'environment'.  Well worth the trip to visit.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Partizan part 2

I'll begin with a game that I missed from the previous post, Varna 1444, showcasing the Kallistra range of figures and terrain.  It was shown at Alumwell earlier this year, but I think that this is a larger version.

The English Civil War featured in a couple of games.  The "For King and Parliament" variation of To the Strongest rules by RAWGamers

Plus Cheriton by Burton and District Wargames

Close to these games were two Grand Alliance/GNW games.  The League of Augsburg had a scenario based in  Ireland

Derby Wargames Society had "The Battle for Pechory Monastry" from the GNW, with the Russians fielding a mix of streltsy and 'new style' western formations.

The AWI also featured two games.  Camden by Steve Jones

Germantown by the Perrys

Crann Tara Miniatures had a Jacobite scenario featuring their figures

I will post the final installment featuring the Napoleonic games in the next couple of days