Summary of Rules for Shako Large Battles
(August 2014)
Each army has a number of
Corps Commanders, who command one or more corps, each each with a number of
Divisions of Infantry and/or Cavalry and associated Artillery. A Division has
its own commander and a number of stands of the requisite type. Attached to the
base of the Divisional Commander is a label with details of Frontal Morale
Rating (MR) and a lower Disordered MR, a breakpoint (number of kills it can take)
and Divisional Skirmisher Rating (DSR) dependent on its size.
for each Division will simply be;-
“Attack” – Divisional Commander at or in front of his
“Defend” – Divisional Commander behind his Division.
“Manoeuvre – Divisional Commander beside his Division
are provided for “Blown”; “Staggered”/“Fall Back”; “Recall”/“Reform”.
NB Villages
can be garrisoned by up to 6 stands. This can be a full division or part of a
larger division
in which case it becomes a permanent separate unit with its own
label. The parent division’s breakpoint is adjusted accordingly.
Turn Sequence.
Artillery Phase
(Simultaneous) – uses 2D6
red wheels over to yellow side (that battery can’t fire OR move THIS turn)
Only Horse
Batteries can fire AND move. Heavy & Foot Batteries can fire OR move.
Only Ballshot
against villages
Range Bands
Canister* |
Effective |
Counter Battery |
dice ≥MR then “Staggered”. (Dice unmodified for “Staggered”) *12 = 2 kills.
gets +1 for each rank over 2 or squares; –1 for all cover (3" into Woods).
Canister -1
against artillery
Russian Heavy/Foot
Batteries that throw a double one cannot fire or move NEXT turn, Horse
batteries cannot fire – put a red wheel in front of it. A double against a unit
in works will inflict 1 point of damage . (works worth 5 points).
If casualties;
attached CC killed on a roll of 12 on 2d6
2) Initiative
For the first turn the French move first. In
subsequent turns dice for it with losers last time at +1
(Alternate by Army)
Divisions must be deployed at least two stands wide
and at least two ranks deep. (NB Cossacks always in one line) The first
rank must not be more than one stand wider than the second.
A Corps with “Attack” Orders must have at least half
its Divisions with “Attack” orders. Divisions with “Attack” orders must move at
least half speed towards the enemy.
A Division with “Defend” orders can only change
formation or facing or backstep 3".
French (except MR3 and 4) can change formation and
move (or vice versa) OR change
facing, others can only move OR change formation OR change facing. French can
change frontage by +/- 4 stands while moving, others +/- 2.
A Division with “Manoeuvre” orders is either directed
to move to a particular location and when there reverts to DEFEND orders to
hold it, or to support another division.
However, if there is an enemy unit within 24”, or, enemy units present a
flank, the Division can roll to make a tactical ATTACK without receiving orders
from the Corps Commander. (A roll of
NB Formed Infantry and Cavalry divisions (not in “Fallback”)
have a “Zone of Control” (called “Flank Lines”) for 6" perpendicularly to
their front. Enemy divisions may not change formation or facing, backstep or
rally within this zone
a) Cavalry Divisions with a “Recall” that remain
stationary turn it over to show “Reform”.
b)“Blown” Cavalry Divisions that wish to Recall in
place (i.e. remain stationary) are given a “Reform” marker.
c)“Blown” Cavalry Divisions that wish to Recall back
are given a “Recall” marker and may move up to 18" straight back.
Move other units.
12" minus 1" per stand frontage
(may backstep 3”)
24" minus 1" per stand frontage (may backstep 4”)
Heavy 6", Foot 9", Horse 12".
Unsupported infantry divisions charged by cavalry try
to form Hasty Square;
roll 1 d6 Cavalry can avoid charging home by rolling ≥MR,
if successful they move half distance and are Staggered.
Support can
be given by artillery OR impassable terrain (flanks only) OR infantry divisions
from SAME corps OR cavalry divisions (flank and rear). To support, units must be within 3”.
Hills ⅔ speed, Woods (Inf & Cossacks only) and
Wheels (≤45°) ½ speed.
Linear Obstacle -3".
Remove yellow
Cavalry Divisions
that only moved half or less (mark with a blue wheel), can make a “Support
Charge” of half a move to CONTACT after the enemy have moved (but not against a
unit they could have reached before that target moved).
Light Infantry Attacks (Skirmishing).
Each Infantry Division and artillery battery has a
Divisional Skirmishing Rating (DSR) depending on nationality, type and size. As
a prelude to combat, the opponents total the DSR(s) of the units engaged. (Artillery
attached to infantry division contribute their DSR, but do not count for
‘wider’). The winner (not artillery) gets 1D6 per difference. A score of ≥
defenders Morale Rating (MR) = a hit. 1st hit = “Staggered”, any
(more) hits on Staggered Divisions, or any hits on artillery, cause kills.
Enemy cavalry negate own DSR. And Squares have no DSR.
Combat (Note
that firing and melee are subsumed into this).
Take the MR of each
Division engaged; use disordered MR if Flanked, in Woods, Blown, unsupported un-squared
infantry against cavalry, cavalry against squares, squares against infantry, or
Cossacks charging formed units frontally, (must roll ≤MR to do this) ; roll 1D6
and apply following modifiers
Wider +1 (+2
for twice wider, +3 for thrice, etc NB
not against villages/artillery)
For each 4
stands +1
terrain +1
Staggered -1
more kills -1 (NB not in village combats)
In melees with mixed opponents un-squared infantry
will use MR v Infantry and Disordered MR v cavalry. (If in square they will use disordered MR v
Infantry and MR v cavalry). Attached CC
killed on roll of 7 on 2d6
Winner inflicts difference in kills on losers (NB Cossacks only suffer or inflict 1 ‘kill’ as do losers
of ties re-rolls).
Makes decision whether to create garrison for a
captured village
Losers get a “Fallback” marker and immediately retreat
perpendicularly back 18".
Defeated Artillery are Broken (removed) as are
“Staggered” infantry divisions or squares outscored by Cavalry, or any in
“Fallback” contacted by enemy.
Victorious Cavalry (not Cossacks) may either make a
Breakthrough, (but not after defeating Artillery) of 12" and 45° that
contacts another enemy OR “Recall” back up to 18" or in place.
All cavalry involved in combat this turn are given a
“Blown” marker. (NB Cavalry with “Recall” or “Reform” markers are “Blown” until
6) Command and
a) Remove any “Reform” counters from Cavalry Division
b) Allied Divisional orders from last turn are implemented
c) Army Commander can change Corps orders by sending
an Aide de Camp (24" per turn) to the Corps Commander. French Corps accept
new orders immediately, others in the next turn’s Command phase.
d) Corps Commander may move 24" OR remain
stationary and change orders (Poor =1, Ave = 2, Excellent = 3) within 18"
OR rally a Division he is with Average–1, Excellent-2 on roll in (e).
e) Divisions on “Defend” orders approached by enemy
within 24” may be given Tactical Orders to “Attack”. (NB NOT vice versa).
f) Rally Divisions from “Fallback” or “Stagger” (not
in Flank Lines of formed enemy) needing 1D6
g) Check Army Breakpoint –if half stands (not
artillery) lost in broken Divisions it quits the field.
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