Even though we had a busy day gaming, there were a couple of opportunities to look at the other games on offer and what a choice there was. The standard of painting and modelling was very high with plenty to inspire. This is not an exhaustive review and I tried not to cover games that I had seen at other shows.
I will start with the Great Northern Wars Rugen game
The table before the troops deployed
The Allied right advance on the Swedes |
The Allied centre await the onslaught |
The Swedish advance |
A game on an epic scale, which I had seen reports of, but was delighted to see it "in the flesh"
I was first drawn to this game by Berserkir Wargamers by the excellent modelling of the river and longship.
On closer inspection it was a fantasy game, but there was plenty of nice detail
Close by was a very nice Napoleonic game set in 1809 by (I think) Schild and Vriend
Constructing a pontoon bridge |
Austrian Hussars |
A lovely windmill |
Bavarian infantry advance |
The cavalry clash |
Crossing the Isar |
Another Napoleonic game, Albuera by South London Warlords
Back to the medieval period for Hattin by La Grande Armee
The Dortmund Amateur Wargamers presented Dunkerque
Nothing amateur looking about the standard of modelling!
On a smaller scale was this Pikeman's Lament scenario set in the Jacobite period by Kurpfalz Feldherren
Warfare Miniatures showcased their new range of Ottoman figures with this Donnybrook scenario
I would recommend that if you get the chance visit this show. Not only is there a great range of games, but there is a large trade presence too. Admittedly a good percentage of those hail from the UK but there is the opportunity to find buildings, etc that just don't appear at UK shows. On top of that Antwerp is well worth a visit with good museums and varied architecture.