Saturday, 12 September 2020

The Men Who Would be Kings trial

Steve bought a copy of this rule set some time ago and has been working towards being able to stage a game to try them out.  They offer the opportunity to set up and play a colonial/19th century game a good bit quicker than with our in house versions of Battles for Empire and Blood on the Nile.  For the scenario, a detachment of Imperial troops, (one small unit of redcoats, highlanders and camel corps), is falling back towards a building complex in front of a larger force of  Mahdists.

The set up from behind the Imperial forces

 I was in command of the Mahdists for the first game and decided that the cavalry on the flanks would advance quickly and threaten the flanks of the Imperials, the irregular infantry would advance and then 'soften up' the enemy units with rifle fire, before the beja would charge in and finish them off.  What could possibly go wrong?

Well. firstly the cavalry advance was fitful to say the least.  Needing a score of 6 or more on two d6, they managed to fail a good 50% of their attempts.  The irregulars suffered the same problem, only one unit managed to get in range to fire.  They did manage one good volley, but then we discovered we had used the wrong factor for them and it was ineffective!  In the end the beja made individual attacks, getting shredded by volleys and having to fall back.  The cavalry eventually got into position and then received the same treatment as the beja.  At this point the attack was called off.

Just to check that the rules did not favour the Imperials too much we set the scenario again and swapped sides.  The second time around the Mahdists were more purposeful and coordinated in their advance.  I sent the Camel Corps back to secure the building, hoping to hold the ridge long enough to blunt the Mahdists attack.

It was at this point that things started to go awry.  The redcoats failed an order to fall back onto the ridge.  This left them in range when the irregulars opened fire.  Even worse, that fire 'pinned' them (like 'battered' in Lion Rampant).  They managed to rally next turn, but suffered more losses from rifle fire and then were charged by 'green flag' beja.  It could have been worse; the beja had narrowly failed an order to charge the previous move.  If that attack had gone in, the red coats would have only had half the number of dice to defend themselves.

The beja gather for the main attack

To the left of the red coats, the Scots had been more fortunate.  They had managed to fall back and also to close the ranks, (improving their defence).  In addition they had exacted a heavy toll on the 'blue flag' beja facing them.

The redcoats under pressure
For the red coats the end was nigh.  Caught in open order the melee was a massacre.  They were wiped out.  
The Scots see off one attack, but another looms on their flank

The Scots were being whittled away by the fire of the irregulars.  To the right, their flank was threatened by the beja; however, the decisive attack came from the left as the cavalry attacked.

And now the cavalry

Overwhelmed, the Scots were cut down.

The coup de grace

From the buildings, the Camel Corps watched the disaster unfold, powerless to help.  However, the Mahdist leader didn't have the force to attack such a position and decided to pull back.

The rules passed the first test in that both sides had a chance of winning.  The rule mechanisms were easy to understand, though being familiar with 'Lion Rampant' helped a good deal.  You don't need a large number of figures to play and a 6 x 4 ft table is more than adequate.  They definitely lean to the 'fun game' end of the rules spectrum.  You can have a plan, but the dice rule!

Friday, 11 September 2020

A small portion of Vienna, 1683

The inspiration for this week's game came from a post on the League of Augsburg blog. (link).  The game pictured was on a far larger scale than I could contemplate, but it could provide a basis for an experiment pitting our 'Grand Alliance' figures against some Ottomans.  Looking at the maps in Wheatcroft's "The Enemy at the Gate" I settled on Lorraine's advance close to the Danube.  The allied force was predominantly infantry (12 battalions, organised in 3 brigades) with some cavalry and artillery support.  Their task was to clear the Ottomans from an earthwork and then advance eastwards towards the main defences.  Opposing them was 1 unit of levy infantry, a small janissary unit, a small unit of azab skirmishers, one unit of horse archers, one of light cavalry and a unit of sipahi.  The Ottoman commander could call for supports, but what actually arrived depended on a dice roll when the reinforcements were due to enter the table.

Above is a photo of the terrain for the table.  The river is fordable for infantry and cavalry, artillery need to use the ford; the boggy area is impassable to all troops.  NB the cavalry in the lower left of the photo are not deployed there, they will enter behind the infantry.
For the Ottomans the objective is to delay and allied advance and give time for the decisive attack on the weakening defences of Vienna.  The allies need to make quick progress and draw forces away from the attack on the city.  Steve, as the allied commander, knew what troops he could expect as reinforcements and approximately when they would arrive.   As the Ottoman commander, I could request reinforcements but only had a vague idea of when I could expect them.  Once the appointed time arrived, I would roll a d6 and that score would determine which force, from the list available would deploy on my baseline.

The allied advance was slow and methodical with the infantry crossing the river without becoming disordered.  As they advanced, the light artillery came under fire from the Azabs I had placed in the building and both guns deployed to drive off these irritating musketeers.  Soon the gun in the redoubt found the range of the advancing allied infantry and the combined grenadiers began to suffer heavy casualties.  This eventually routed the small unit and they had to be rallied by the commanding general.  The grenadiers' sacrifice had preserved the regular infantry battalions from the Ottoman guns during their advance.  In an attempt to stop the allied advance, the Ottoman light cavalry moved forward.  On the Ottoman left, the horse archers threatened the infantry's flank and on the right the lancers charged the Danish foot.  A close range volley failed to stop the light cavalry but the casualties it inflicted reduced their resolve.  Driven back in the melee, they commenced a slow retreat, drawing back far enough to attempt to rally.  The Danes had not got off scot free, having suffered significant casualties.
The light cavalry charge the Danish foot

On the Ottoman left, the archers had been shooting at the infantry, but inflicting little damage.  With the allied cavalry taking it's time to get forward, it was up to the second line of infantry to take some action.  A few volleys were sufficient to force the archers back and relieve the pressure.  Back on the right the sipahi charged the Danish infantry.  Charging home through the close range volley they inflicted heavy casualties which routed their opponents.  However, they had taken sufficient casualties themselves to prevent them following up.  To avoid the volleys from a supporting regiment they had to fall back to rally.

On the far right, the light artillery had eventually managed to drive the azabs from the building, clearing the way for an advance on that flank.

By now, the allied cavalry had moved forward and made their presence felt.  On the right, the Erbach regiment charged the horse archers, who attempted to evade, but were caught before they could move.  It was a rather one-sided affair, with Erbach coming through unscathed while the archers fell back.  Erbach followed up, pushing the Ottomans back again.  Before the archers could recover they were charged again by Erbach and driven from the field.

Erbach drive off  the Ottoman horse archers

By this point the Ottoman commander was a worried man.   More allied troops were crossing the river and the remainder of the first wave of attackers was outflanking the redoubt.  His cavalry were still not fully recovered from their earlier fighting and the allied cavalry was pressing forward.  He only had one reserve, a small unit of Janissaries.  Then reports came to him that reinforcements were arriving.  Looking back towards the city he could see cavalry and infantry approaching their familiar banners fluttering in the breeze.  Assuming the cavalry would occupy the rampaging Erbach, he place himself at the head of the Janissaries and led them to the left to attack the allied infantry on that flank.  Charging through the close range volley the Ottomans crashed into the allied line.  In spite of their best efforts they could not prevail and had to fall back.  The enemy gave them no chance to recover, charging their opponents and routing them. 

The Janissaries routed

Fortunately the allied infantry had suffered heavy losses and needed time to rally before they could continue to advance.  In the redoubt, the levy ignored this reverse and stood to their front.

The Ottoman cavalry arrived in the nick of time.  A unit of sipahi charged Erbach, confident in their superior numbers.  They received short shrift from their opponents, who quickly drove them from the field.  On the opposite flank, the original unit of sipahi, now rallied charged the allied infantry and stopped them in their tracks.  The position there was still perilous, the Veningen Gendarmes were working round the flank of the sipahi and only a unit of light cavalry was in a position to stop them.

The Ottoman commander ordered the infantry reinforcements to fall back to the next line of defence, as to advance any further would achieve little and may well only serve to increase Ottoman losses.  He then mustered what forces he could and began to try and get them back to the main line of defence.

An enjoyable evenings game.  As you may expect, the allied infantry fire power could handle most Ottoman attacks.  The Ottomans could perhaps have done with more cavalry and they could certainly have done with more space, allowing them to threaten the flanks of the allies more effectively.  [A point made by Bruno Mugnai in his recent book ] .    Whilst compiling this post I happened to have a telephone conversation with my friend Alasdair, a former wargaming opponent now living in Scotland.  He said that he felt that even with his 12 ft table there was not enough space on the flanks to really represent the flanking tactics of the Ottoman army using 25mm figures.  Perhaps I should have gone for 15mm or even 10?

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Dawn attack: an AWI scenario

The mood at the headquarters of the revolutionary army was gloomy.  For two months their forces had been pushed back by the crown forces; morale among the men was low and reports were coming in that some of the militia units were refusing to muster.  The commanding general was blunt, a victory was needed or they may as well disband and go home.  But how to achieve it?  In a set piece battle the odds were stacked against them, what was needed was an attack, in force, on an isolated enemy outpost.  Fortunately, such an outpost had been identified.  A small Hessian brigade was reported to be quartered in the settlement of Fortune and they were a good three or four hours away from any supports.  Command of the attack was given to General James Deadwood and was composed by the brigades of Collins and Dawson, each with 2 line units, rifle unit and a light gun, plus 3 militia units.  The militia arrived the day before the attack was to take place and the turnout was disappointing.  One unit didn't turn up, (they claimed the orders arrived too late), and the remainder were all under strength.  Nevertheless, General Deadwood made his preparations and at dawn the following day the revolutionary force approached Fortune.

A view of the battlefield,  Collins approached on the road on the left, Dawson, the central road.

Von Stalheim's forces were quartered in Fortune.  He had the musketeer regiments von Mirbach and von Donop, the fusilier regiment von Lossberg, the grenadier regiment von Rall, two jaeger regiments and a medium gun.  Pickets had been posted and remainder of the Hessians were indoors.  An early morning mist cloaked the countryside as the brigades of Collins and Dawson advanced, riflemen to the fore.  Deadwood's plan was to envelop Fortune and overwhelm the defenders with musketry fire.  Dawson was to send his two line units to the right to occupy Grainger's Hill, while the militia and rifles, with the artillery held the line between the woods.  Collins was to send his riflemen through the woods towards Salem Chapel on Cook's Hill.  The hill was to be occupied and then the four regiments, two line and two militia, would concentrate their fire on Fortune.

There was some delay as the militia deployed, but the attack seemed to be progressing well, with the lead unit of Dawson's brigade nearing Grainger's Hill.  Suddenly shots rang out.  The Hessian jaeger picket on the hill had spotted the troops approaching.  After firing they fell back to join their unit.  In Fortune itself the Hessian troops reacted to the alarm.  First to their position were the jaeger, quickly lining the fences  facing the flank of Dawson's line regiments as they made their way to Grainger's Hill.  Just behind them were von Lossberg who deployed to face Dawson's riflemen and militia.  With the alarm raised, Dawson hurried his militia units forward and moved the riflemen to the left to tackle the jaeger.

Deadwood's forces begin their attack

On the opposite flank, Collins was moving along the road, to avoid the slowing terrain.  Ahead, the riflemen had cleared the wood and were advancing on Salem Chapel.  Once again shots rang out as the Hessian outposts spotted their approach.  Collins ordered one of his line units to move to the left to help the riflemen.  Still in column the infantry crossed a fence and advanced towards the chapel.  By this time the mist was lifting and unfortunately for the column they were in the field of fire for the Hessian artillery which had deployed between Cook's Hill and Fortune.  The first roundshot crashed through the head of the column, causing confusion.  Further rounds broke the spirit of the infantry and they routed to the rear.  After ordering the remainder of his force to deploy into line, Collins galloped over to try and restore order.

One of Collins' units routs after being hit by artillery fire

Dawson's riflemen were now engaging the Hessian jaeger, both sides taking losses, though Dawson's artillery now joined in and the revolutionary forces began to gain the upper hand.  For their part, the Hessians were bolstered by the sight of von Mirbach's musketeer regiment moving up on their left to cover their flank.  The grenadiers had been conspicuous by the tardiness of their arrival and Von Stalheim sent their commander an abrupt reminder of the need for speed.  The fusiliers had by now begun exchanging volleys with one of Dawson's militia units.  Their fire was supplemented by that of an 'amusette' which had been set up at the junction of the roads leading into Fortune.   It's fire was not very effective, but the fire from the fusiliers was and the militia unit began to waver.  Concerned of the detrimental effect an retreat, (or worse) by this unit would have, Deadwood quickly moved forward to try and settle the men.  The air thick with musket balls from the Hessian volleys, Deadwood rode up and down the ranks steadying the militia men and convincing them to keep firing.

Deadwood rallies the militia

Collins had managed to rally his routing line infantry and now ordered his units to advance.  The advance of his riflemen was stalled by the accurate fire of the Hessian jaeger on Cook's Hill, so he ordered a militia unit to move over to support them.  As his remaining units advanced towards Fortune the Hessian artillery began to target them, but although casualties were inflicted the fire was not as deadly as it had been earlier.  Collins units now also had to contend with flanking fire from von Donop's regiment on Cook's Hill.  This fire was not very effective and Collins ordered his men to concentrate their volleys on von Lossberg's fusiliers.  Reeling under the fire from the militia and Collin's men, the fusiliers crumbled and fell back to try and rally.  On their way they passed the grenadiers von Rall which had at last entered the fray.

The jaeger and von Mirbach hold the left flank

The fusiliers rout

Von Stalheim was fairly confident his right flank was secure, his concerns were for his left.  The jaegers were struggling to maintain their position and he could see Dawson's men forming up on Grainger's Hill, ready to push forward.  He ordered von Mirbach to advance against the extreme right of the revolutionary line and try and catch it before it was fully deployed.  He also  ordered the grenadiers to get forward and deploy to hold the position previously held by von Lossberg's fusiliers. 

Von Donop's view of the battlefield from Cook's Hill

Von Mirbach advances

Von Mirbach advanced and then halted, ready to fire on Dawson's infantry as they crested the skyline.  Unfortunately for them, their volleys were ineffectual; not so the reply from the advancing revolutionary line infantry.  To the right of von Mirbach, the jaeger were unable to withstand the concentrated fire of two units plus the light artillery.  The few survivors fell back, having done all they could.  This allowed Dawson to order one of his line units to advance and occupy the position previously held by the jaeger.

Deadwood had spotted the advance of the Hessian grenadiers.  Determined to snuff out the threat they posed he ordered  all units that were able, to concentrate their fire on the Hessians.  Assailed by a torrent of fire even the grenadiers wilted.  Caught before they could deploy, the unit seemed to melt away.  What remained made routed back towards the town.

The grenadiers rout

Von Stalheim could see the day was lost.  He ordered the forces on Cook's hill to make their way back towards the main crown forces and rode over to lead von Mirbach and the remains of the other units in the same direction.  Deadwood didn't order a vigorous pursuit, just an occupation of Fortune and he spared no praise for the militia units which had played such a prominent part in the victory.