Monday, 29 January 2024

Prelude to Vapnartak 2024

 This coming Sunday, the wargame amateur show calendar creaks into motion once again with a trip to York for the Vapnartak show.  Once again the Lance & Longbow Society will be present with a stall of society publications and a participation game.  This years offering is a scenario based on the battle of Montgisard in 1177.  The game has been devised by Will, so I don't have any pre-show photographs.  If you are attending the show you are most welcome to drop by and chat, perhaps even roll a few dice.

My apologies for the almost 2 month break in posts, life and a departure on holiday of the 'literary muse' are the main culprits.  We have been meeting regularly for games, but I just haven't got around to reporting them.  All being well, normal service will resume.

A shot from a WSS game in January.  The Allies were attacking the flank of the French line and two dragoon regiments are trying to hold the hedge line.