Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Never Mind the Matchlocks trial

 Steve, Bob and I have played quite a few games of 'Billhooks', so we thought we would give this set of rules a go.  As you would expect they are very similar, though matchlocks replace bows and cavalry are more numerous.  Brigades replace Battles as the element of command.  One interesting change is that there is now an army commander, who can either carry out an action himself, or, give an extra action to one of his commanders.  As with 'Billhooks' it is a card driven system so not all commanders will have the opportunity to act each turn.

An infantry brigade ready to advance

Preparing to exchange volleys

We tried out a simple scenario featuring a roadside inn.  The two cavalry forces entered combat fairly quickly and it was fairly bloody!  Starting with 4 brigades, each with 2 units in no time half had been eliminated, having failed their morale tests or had been wiped out.  Of the remaining four, three were below half strength.

The remains of two cavalry units after a round of melee

Cavalry charging a gun

Infantry are either musketeers, pikemen or forlorn hope skirmishers.  Ammunition for formed musketeer units (including those in composite units with pike, is limited to 6 rounds (with an extra one on the basis that the unit is assumed to be already loaded.  This does encourage advancing into close range (9" or less), as at long range hits are only scored with '6's.  Saving throws are 5+, so hits can 'stick' and build up quickly.  Interestingly, on mixed pike/musket units all the hits are assumed to fall on the muskets, which some may find odd and wish to change.  

Morale is the same as for 'Billhooks'.  The composite matchlock and pike units add 2 to their morale test so only a double 1 spells disaster.  Nevertheless, I did manage it.

Very rarely a good result

Our first attempt seemed to run ok, and with use I can see we could easily play a game in a three hours.  If you have played 'Billhooks' and like the system and also have some Pike and Shot troops they could give a small scale action alternative to Pike and Shotte or one of the other rule sets available.  

My apologies for the grommets in use as casualty counters.  The rules require figure removal and all our figures  are on multiple figure bases.

Not been a particularly productive year on the blog, but I hope to post more frequently next year.  In closing, I would like to wish all my readers a peaceful and prosperous 2025.

Friday, 13 December 2024

RECON Show 2024 at Pudsey

 Fortunately, the weather was not as severe as anticipated for the trip over the Pennines to Pudsey for our final wargames show of 2024.  Our game was positioned just by the door in the main hall so we were the first game seen as the visitors entered.  Quite a few stopped to ask questions and a few joined in the game.  As usual the show was busy in the morning before quietening down later.  There was a reasonable mix of traders and I was able to obtain the few items on my shopping list. The majority of games were participation and here are some examples.

First a game based on the film "Hot Fuzz" which was just being re-set for another run.

Then a game set during the Battle of Britain

and one based on I think "Space Cadets" with some insects you would rather not meet!

In the upstairs room Ken Riley (aka Yarkshire Gamer) had his Battle of Mentana game which has been at several shows this year.

We ran our game twice with the morning game going down to the wire with both armies on the brink of defeat and resulting in a narrow English victory.  The afternoon game was slightly more in favour of the English but was called a draw.

Thank you to Andy, Simon, Steve and Will for helping with the game.  Also Charles, Jim, John and Oliver for joining us.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

RECON Dec 2024

 Next weekend it is the RECON Show at Pudsey, the traditional end to our wargaming travels.  Once again Steve, Bob and I will be at the show putting on a game in support of the Lance and Longbow Society.  This year our game will be a fictional encounter from the short-lived War of Saint Sardos which took place in the 1320's between England and France.  The action takes place in Gascony where a dispute over rights to establish a new town resulted in the destruction of the town and the violent death of a French sergeant.  Armies have been despatched by Charles IV of France and Edward II of England to resolve the dispute.

Below are a few photos from our test run of the scenario, the top two were taken before we introduced the stakes to protect the archers.

 If you are attending the show please drop by and say hello.  Or even better, join in as it will be a participation game.