Sunday, 18 April 2010


The visit to Triples has been one of the regular trips of my wargaming year for some time. I must admit to a feeling of relief that the organisers had decided to change the venue; parking near the University was getting increasingly difficult and once in the main hall ,space around the dealers' stalls was very limited. Making the circuit around there you always seemed to be 'swimming against the tide'. Not only that, a group of three friends who stopped to chat could block progress for everyone. As the show grew more rooms were opened up often on different floors and it became quite a challenge to track down a specific game or dealer.

These shortcomings have been addressed by the new venue at the English Institute of Sport. Plenty of parking, all facilities on one level and once in the main halls, plenty of space to move around. There seemed to be plenty of attendees yesterday and most importantly, quite a few youngsters who will hopefully be the ones to take up the torch in the years ahead.

There is still one thing that needs attention - the Bring and Buy. At the old venue this was always cramped and in warm weather quite uncomfortable. The plan issued to those visiting showed that a room had been set aside for the B & B, but this was not the case. Itwas tucked away around a corner and the usual ducking and diving was needed to get in a position to see any of the goods on offer.

That being said I think that the move is one that will prove a success. Look how the York show has come on in leaps and bounds now that it has moved to the Racecourse. The organisers hope to be in the new venue for the 'forseeable future'. On the evidence of yesterday that future should be successful.

As a final note I should own up to further investment in figures, yet more 15mm Napoleonics,mainly Austrians, as I move towards my target of 24 line battalions. One indulgence was a unit of Marines of the Guard. I know it is foolish, their appearances on the battlefield were few and far between. Digby Smith in his "Napoleon's Regiments" lists only Austerlitz (1 casualty), the Madrid Riots and Baylen (11 wounded) and the crossing of the Beresina (4 casualties). My interest lies in the 1809 danube campaign, 1812 Russian campaign and the 1813 campaign in Germany, so to use them I am going to have to be fairly creative.

This week's battle was an ECW encounter using the Warhammer ECW Rules. I hope to report more over the coming days but here is the high point (from my perspective !) as my raw 'gallopers' see off the Parliamentarian trotters and secure my right flank.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Triples was a good show David. As an unreconstructed "1644" rules man, I hope your move to Warhammer ECW is only temporary .. surely! Then again, if your dice rolled well in this WECW game, will the move be permanent?!
    Looking forward to reading more of your battle reports
