Saturday, 18 June 2016

Phalanx 2016

It has been a bit fraught the last couple of weeks with family commitments and preparations for the  Phalanx show,  so table activity has been rather sparse.  There has been even less time to post on the two battles which Steve and I managed to stage, perhaps over the next few weeks I will be able to catch up.

For the moment, here is a brief post on the show.

Another very enjoyable day at the Phalanx Show, the Spartans do organise a very welcoming show. The B & B seemed to be doing a brisk trade, as did the traders.  A good attendance, with a  fair sprinkling of 'family' parties.    Perhaps not as many demo games as in previous years, but a good range of periods were covered.  Next to the Lance & Longbow was a 15mm game of Zorndorf from the Mailed Fist group

Manchester Wargames had a Black Powder Peninsular game, "3rd day at Fuentes D'Orono"

There was also a colonial game

We ran a 'Lion Rampant' game based on the Battle of Chesterfield, 1266.  During the day we ran our game three times, with each side winning once.  The final game was a draw, with both armies fought to a standstill.  We did get some willing 'volunteers' to participate and the rules worked well with the newcomers picking up the game quickly.

Hansard leads his Sergeants towards D'Eyville's archers

Ferrers leads out his knights

D'Eyville's men are spotted by Henry of Almain's contingent
Many thanks to Dave, Bob, Will, Nick, John, Gary and Steve for all their help with the game.


  1. Looks like a great show, some great looking games on show too.

  2. I had a great day there, the show feels as strong as ever.
