Monday, 13 March 2017


Once more we journeyed down the M6 to the WMMS at the Aldersley Leisure Village.  We arrived later than planned and parking was not easy, but the show made up for it.   The atmosphere was friendly, there was ample space to wander around, stop, chat to friends and not get in the way.  The standard of modelling on display was very good and a wide range of games were represented.  I was particularly taken by the number of 'horse and musket' games, especially as they had seemed to be in decline over recent years.

All the above were of the Shrewsbury club's 18th century game.

An impressive Zulu Wars game

A fictional Grand Alliance game with a Jacobite invasion of England after William lost the Battle of the Boyne.

Something a little unusual.  the War of Austrian Succession in Italy

A second Grand Alliance game.  Both games used the 'Beneath the Lily Banners' rules produced by Barry Hilton.

Finally, a Peninsular skirmish game.

A good show and one which Dave, Steve and I will hope to visit again next year.


  1. I couldn't make it, thanks for the pictures.

  2. Wow, the quality and craftmanship is amazing!
