The weeks have flown by since our visit to Salute. As you may have guessed by now, tabletop action has come to a juddering halt. Other commitments and the sudden passing away of Roy Adams one of the Gentlemen Pensioners means that gaming has taken a back seat. Every group has someone like Roy, there was never a dull moment when he was around, nor a pause in the conversation. Roy was generous with his time and knowledge and would always help if he could. A kind man who will be missed by all who knew him. Rest in peace Roy.
I have at least managed to paint a few figures for the Muscovites, but that project will now have to be put aside as planning has started for the ECW game at Steve's over the Phalanx weekend. The figures are not quite complete, (the bases need flocking), but here are some photos
Two cornets for the Muscovite reiter regiments. The designs came from Dan Schorr's Great Northern War website, (now sadly no longer available). The figures are from my ECW collection, 'moonlighting' as Muscovites.
The other new arrivals were a unit of streltsy pikemen. They are Old Glory figures and fit nicely with the Hinchcliffe musketeers. The figures were almost free of flash and had painted up well. My only criticism would be that the figures all had their heads tilted to one side. (see the Lonely gamers blog for similar comments and photos of very nicely painted Polish troops of the same period) The design for the flag came from the same source as for the reiter above.
For more photos of Muscovite troops try the Sword and Scimitar website.
More Napoleonic skirmishers
1 hour ago
Thanks for the upload, and mention of my blog. Please do keep posting your Eastern Europe games, the figures and scenarios help a lot!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear of the loss of your friend.