Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Vapnartak 2022

 It was with some relief that we headed over to York for this year's Vapnartak.  Relief that a semblance of normality (if there is such a thing anymore) was returning, but also a lingering concern about being indoors with a large number of people.  The York club had made  a great effort to allay those concerns.  The trade stands were more spread out, covering the ground, first mezzanine and first floors, ensuring plenty of room for the visitors to circulate.  Games were on the second mezzanine and top floor.  

Steve, Bob and I put on a Lion Rampant game for the Lance & Longbow Society, it was the same as we took to Recon in December (link).  It is difficult to judge whether the balance between games and trade was the same as in previous years because of the new arrangements, but there were plenty of participation games.  During a break between games I wandered round with the camera and these are photos of some of what was on offer.

First, the Brompton Bankers with a fantasy samurai game based on Japanese folklore, where various forces are trying to defeat a dragon

Next, Grimsby Wargames Society with a WWII game, the defence of the Oosterbeek perimeter, set in the Arnhem campaign.


There was an Ancients game using the 'Strength and Honour' rules which used 2mm (I think) figures.  The battle was Mons Graupius.   

A close up of the units

The overview shows how the game is almost like a map exercise

The East Leeds Militaria Society Wargames Club had a colonial game based on the Kikuyu Revolt of 1902 in Kenya.

The Kings African Rifles 

The Kikuyu warriors

Returning to the realms of Fantasy, The Bunker had a game which moved the Martian invasion from 'War of the Worlds' to Prussia.  Plenty of excellent modelling on view.

Near The Bunker were the League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers with a Back of Beyond game.

We ran the game twice and had participants from the public for each one.  The rules once again proved themselves ideally suited to being played by newcomers and providing an enjoyable game.  Many thanks to Andrew, plus Eddie George and their father for joining in.  Also to Andy, Pat and Will for helping to run the game.  Dave and Lynne provided a refreshing cup of tea. 


  1. Thanks for the show report,I enjoyed the pics.

    1. Hello Norm, thanks for your comment. If you are at a show that we attend, please stop by and say hello.


  2. Thank you for the show report its nice to see what's happening in the wargame world, very much appreciated.

    Willz Harley.

    1. Hello Willz
      Thanks for stopping by the blog and leaving a comment, it is much appreciated.

