A few weeks ago I read the most recent post on Norm's Battlefield and Warriors blog and it set me thinking. I looked back on my last six months posts and then compared them with ones from a couple of years back. The exercise was instructive. It seemed that my more recent efforts lacked the enthusiasm and inventiveness exhibited in earlier posts, it could be that it is a hangover from Covid and lockdown, or that I have 'writer's block'; whatever the reason I think it best that I take a break from posting for a time.
I am grateful to those of you who have dropped by over the years to take a look at the various games I have been involved in and especially those visitors who have left comments. One of the great strengths of this hobby is the unfailing generosity and support the participants offer each other. It is my intention to recharge the batteries over the next few months and hopefully return to the blog and continue the adventures of Sir Victor Meldrew, Graf von Grommit, the Duc de Merlot and other assorted characters.
Thank you for your interest and encouragement over the years and I hope to be back before too long