For the first time in three years Steve and I set off down the M6 this Sunday to visit the Alumwell show. The venue remained the same and it was a good day out. With the trade stalls and the Bring and Buy around the edge of the sports hall and the games and model displays in the centre there was plenty of room to wander around. There was a good range of games on offer and photos of some of them follow. Not all the games advertised who had organised them, or even what particular action was being represented which is a shame when it was clear that a lot of effort had gone in to what had been produced.
First, the Potteries Old Boys with their game of the assault on Plancenoit using Perry and Warlord plastic 28mm figures.
The Phoenix group also had a 28mm Napoleonic game which seemed to have elements of Borodino, with a redoubt, Polish troops attacking on the right flank and the presence of Bagration.
The Border Warriors had a game of the battle of Lauffeld from the War of Austrian Succession. Quite a spectacle.
The Guards Wargames Club had a scenario set in the mid 15th century
Wyre Forest Gamers had a WWII game using the Chain of Command rules
Another WWII game was set in the early days of Barbarossa
And one was set on the Western Front in the winter of 44/45
One of the advantages of visiting a show and not putting on a game is that you are free to try out a participation game. Steve and I liked the look of the "Dragon and Peacock Wars" game by Tiger Miniatures. Although we were unfamiliar with the war and the rules, Charles was on hand to talk us through it. The rules are rather 'bloody' ie if you are defending and roll a '1' , your unit is destroyed. Nevertheless we both enjoyed it.
Back in Western Europe the Shrewsbury Wargames Society had a Dark Ages/Medieval 'what if 'game based on the idea that Harold lost the Battle of Stamford Bridge and was killed in the battle. William landed in the south and established himself there while Tostig and Hardrada were in charge further North. The game is set near Newark and features a Viking raid and the local resistance to it.
On more familiar territory, the ECW
and the Sudan, though slightly different in that it is the Mahdists who are on the defensive, with the Imperial troops attacking.
Finally the 2nd Mysore War from the Leamington Spa group.
As usual at Alumwell there was an extensive display of modelling and painting skill.
It was good to see that the Alumwell show has survived the enforced break due to Covid. Perhaps the number of traders was down slightly, but there seemed to be a good public attendance. They were rewarded by seeing a very good selection of games in a spacious setting.
Good review, a really enjoyable read. I must admit the Tiger Miniatures Dragon and Peacock game looks really very interesting, must check them out!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your interest. Yes we saw the game last year at the Phalanx show but with running a game ourselves we had to settle for a few photos. This time we could take part and find out more about the game.
Thanks for the pics, all splendid, I was due to go and last minute problems stopped that, so I appreciate the pictures, this is one show that I really want to see succeed.
ReplyDeleteHello Norm, shame you missed the show, hope things have been sorted out. Yes, it is a good show that has retained a place for the painters and modellers which is something that is becoming rare these days.