Tuesday 6 February 2024

Vapnartak 2024

It was an early start on Sunday as we set off over the Pennines to York for the Vapnartak show.  Will had organised the Lance & Longbow participation game for this event and he opted for the battle of Montgisard set in the Holy Land in 1177.  Will used 20mm figures and this allowed him to field larger armies and make the game a bigger spectacle.

The centre and left wing of the Saracen army, with the baggage train strung out behind it.


Two units from the Frankish army 

Will's scratch built Saracen camp

The game ran three times during the day with victory going to the Franks on each occasion, but with one close result.  Members of the public took part in each game and plenty of people stopped and asked questions.

Other games on offer included

Gripping Beast with their Ecorcheurs game


At the far end of the 2nd Mezzanine was Ken (Yarkshire Gamer) Riley's Battle of Mentana game from the wars of Italian Unification.  The location of the game meant that you could only take photos from one side and that was against the light.  I feel a game like this should have been in a more prominent position, giving people a chance to appreciate it from all sides.

Also on this floor was Sally Forth with their Pulp Action Venice game.

A beautifully presented game with plenty of people to explain the mechanisms and also the modular buildings which allow for various  roof designs.

The Harrogate club had a 'Kiss me Hardy' game

It was very busy in the morning, but as usual numbers eased in the afternoon.  Our society stand had a good day, selling about £100 of books and flag sheets.  Will, Andy and Steve ran the game and Andy also provided some much needed refreshment during the day.  Rhankyou to all the members of the public who joined in the game and made it such a success.

For more pictures/comment you can look at Will's blog here, or Andy's blog here.  Video reports can also be found on youtube.


  1. Thanks for the chance to see some tables and for the links to Will / Andy’s blogs. I know there is a lot of glass on that floor and the light can strong at times.

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